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***蓝星集团董事长什么级别 ***蓝星集团董事长什么级别啊

2024-08-07 10:45:21 财经问答


1. ***蓝星集团董事长的职责


China Bluestar Group Chairman is the leader of the company's board of directors, serving as the highest executive. The chairman has the role of organization, coordination, and representation. They have power within the responsibilities of the board of directors, do not manage the company's specific operations, and generally do not make individual decisions, only exercising the same voting rights as other directors at board meetings or board committee meetings.

2. ***蓝星集团概况


China Bluestar (Group) Co., Ltd. (referred to as China Bluestar or BLUESTAR), is a subsidiary of China National Chemical Corporation, specializing in advanced chemical materials and specialty chemicals with a focus on material science, life science, and environmental science. With 58 factories, 45 research institutions, 4 overseas companies, and 3...

3. ***蓝星集团的级别


China Bluestar Group is a central enterprise and ranked at the deputy ministerial level.

4. ***蓝星集团的发展与成就


The former chairman of China National Chemical Corporation and founder of China Bluestar Group, Ren Jianxin, retired. China National Chemical Corporation is China's largest chemical enterprise, with a revenue of $45.1 billion in 2017, ranking 211th on the Fortune Global 500 list.

5. ***蓝星集团的总部属性


The headquarters of China Bluestar Group, as a first-tier subsidiary of a central enterprise, signifies the technological development and...

6. ***蓝星集团的全球业务


China Bluestar (Group) Co., Ltd. is a leading global company in chemical materials and specialty chemicals, with a focus on chemical materials, animal nutrition, and engineering services. It operates 52 factories, 3 overseas companies, and 24 research institutions, with business presence in over 200 countries and regions.

7. ***蓝星集团的管理层变动


Liu Xiaobao, with a bachelor's degree, has held various positions within China Bluestar Group, including Vice Director of Operations at China Bluestar Chemical Cleaning Corporation and Assistant General Manager at China Bluestar (Group) Corporation International Department. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of Bluestar Chemical New Materials Co., Ltd.