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外汇交易行情最新 外汇最新行情分析

2024-08-12 17:12:15 财经咨询

外汇交易行情最新 外汇最新行情分析

1. ***货币网外汇行情


China Monetary Network provides foreign exchange market quotes, including RMB spot exchange rate quotes, RMB to USD intraday trend chart, RMB foreign exchange forward quote, foreign currency spot exchange rate quotes, USD weighted average lending rate, etc.

2. 证券之星行情中心外汇


Securities Star Market Center provides the latest and most comprehensive foreign exchange market quotes, basic exchange rates, cross exchange rates, and foreign exchange information to help you fully understand comprehensive information on foreign exchange trading.

3. 最新价104.1526涨跌幅0.0149%


Recent price 104.1526, change 0.0149%. Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Mester stated that they are not in a rush to start cutting interest rates, with a major focus this week on US CPI data.

4. 美元指数实时行情104.0982


USD index is currently at 104.0982, down 0.0368%. It reflects the overall situation of the USD in the international foreign exchange market. The offshore RMB index is refreshed to show the trend of the USD index.

5. 金投网行情中心


Gold Investment Network provides timely market data including foreign exchange market quotes, analysis, exchange rate trend charts, real-time foreign exchange quotes, and today's foreign exchange market quotes, helping you make investment decisions.

6. 实时外汇走势图表


Real-time forex trend charts are powerful tools for forex analysis, showing real-time market trends and professional trend analysis to help you grasp global forex prices, exchange rate market trends, and investment opportunities.

7. 2020年3月31日外汇资讯频道


On March 31, 2020, the foreign exchange news channel provides comprehensive and timely foreign exchange information, including foreign exchange comments, forex financial management, RMB exchange rate, foreign exchange data analysis, and global central bank dynamics.

8. 金十数据网


Gold Ten Data Network provides comprehensive data services for financial markets including precious metals, forex, stock markets, IMM position reports, CFTC position reports, credit ratings, central bank institutions, economic data, official speeches, economic indicators, market dynamics, and customizable reports with intuitive price chart analysis.

9. 韬客外汇社区


Taoke Forex Community provides various convenient functions, elite experts' forex market analysis, forex market trends analysis, forex trend analysis, forex trading, gold, USD, crude oil, silver market analysis, real trading experience sharing by trading gurus, group discussions, etc.