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2024-03-13 10:07:41 财经咨询


1. 有方科技

Social Security Fund has increased its holdings in Youfang Technology in the third quarter, with a holding of 4.38 million shares at the end of the third quarter and a market value of 167 million yuan. The stock has seen a growth rate of 185.57% this year.

2. 天孚通信、博俊科技、飞龙股份、学大教育、...等

Social Security Fund also holds significant stakes in Tianfu Communication, Bo Jun Technology, Feilong Stock, Xueda Education, and other companies.

3. 国投电力

Social Security Fund holds 120 million shares of Guotou Power with a market value of 1.408 billion yuan at the end of the third quarter.

4. 华鲁恒升、伊利股份、紫光股份、邮储银行、***广核等

Social Security Fund has increased its holdings in companies like Hualu Hengsheng, Yili Group, Ziguang Group, Postal Savings Bank of China, and China National Nuclear Corporation.

5. 云铝股份、常熟银行、***移动、汇川技术、杭氧股份等

Social Security Fund also holds significant stakes in Yunlu Aluminum, Changshu Bank, China Mobile, Huichuan Technology, Hangyang Stock, and other listed companies, with a total holding amount of over 1 billion yuan. Most of the top ten holdings of the Social Security Fund are leading stocks in specific industries.

6. 贝泰妮、盐津铺子、常熟银行等个股

Based on institutional attention, Bellini, Yanjin Puzi, Changshu Bank, and other stocks have received continuous increase in holdings from the Social Security Fund.

7. 国泰基金管理有限公司-社保基金1102组合

During the third quarter of this year, China National Aviation Funds Management Co., Ltd. Social Security Fund 1102 Combination increased its holdings of Qibin Group stock by 2.2678 million shares. It is worth noting that in the third quarter, the China National Aviation Fund Management Co., Ltd. Social Security Fund 1102 Combination increased its holdings of Qibin Group...

8. 内蒙华电

In the third quarter, Inner Mongolia Huadian received a significant increase in holdings from the Social Security Fund. The China National Social Security Fund 1106 Combination increased its holdings of Inner Mongolia Huadian by 49.6067 million shares, and the China National Social Security Fund 418 Combination established a new position with 37.1281 million shares.

9. 新进个股

During the third quarter, the Social Security Fund established new positions in companies such as Luobotek, Fumiao Technology, Keweis, Zhonghe Technology, Yongding Stock, and Ousheng Electric.

10. 拉卡拉、华测导航、恒辉安防等

Lakala, Huace Navigation, and Henghui Security have become new overweight positions for the Social Security Fund.

11. 增持和减持情况

According to statistics, in the second quarter, the Social Security Fund appeared in 49 listed companies. Among these 49 companies, the total holdings reached 820 million shares, with a market value of 15.6 billion yuan. Among them, the number of increased positions was 23 while the number of reduced positions was 7.
